now, with exams around the corner, i dont take to the practice of blogging during my weekdays, which are really
precious. however, its been awhile since i've made these certain observations and i just got to
get it off my chest!i
abhor the way some people treat this particular person in my class. lets call him
person X. firstly, person X is a very confident being, and he himself admitted that he likes to be in the limelight. person X tends to talk alot as well. for those who read harry potter, person X's character always reminds me of
hermoine granger haha. personally, i think that person X is a very nice friend, with a good heart. even though he sometimes may be abit arrogant, i can tell that he sees things in a very simple manner and he is actually a very good natured guy, oftern very supportive as well. as i've mixed and worked with him on many occasions, i'm sure that i am not wrong. however, like hermoine granger, it is not easy to have many true friends when your character is similar to hers.
so some people just
criticised and condemned him out right. like even though he had good intentions and did certain things for the class for our own good, they scold or criticised him, call him fucker etc. i've witnessed the same thing so many times, i'm really
sad for him. today, i was just sharing my views with szeying and connie overheard, and she had the same sentiments as me too.
and i realised it
happens only for guys. as in, only the
male gender does this to each other. thinking back, such things also happen in my secondary school. when they identify another guy who seems unfit to or unable to click or tune in to their frequency, they often take to
suaning and criticising the person until it seems that they're doing it to a dead wood. in other words, they do it
without sparing a single thought for the person's feeling, and
ASSUME that the arrows of attacks can bounce of him, without leaving any scars.
i call them
VERBAL BULLYING."And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell...With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God...Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so."James 3:6, 9-10after all, every living being has
PRIDE. to suan, criticise, condemn, mock ect a person can puncture his self esteem really badly. these is worse if you do so when the person
1) treats you as his friend 2) thought you were his friend and 3) when you do it infront of people. so this is what happened in the unfortunate case of person X. i really do not know how he feels when THEY do that to him, but if i were in his shoes, i think what they did can really destroy me.
words spoken are really like a sword. it can give life, or take away one.i know they might do it because they take a dislike to him, and probably could not see eye to eye with his actions or whatever. but to criticise him openly is
too selfish an action already. just because you're at an advantage, like you've got the backing of others who behave likewise as you, doesnt mean you've got to treat somebody else like he is a piece of shit.
if you dont like the person,
just dont hang out with him! if he tags along with you everytime, you
dont have to make conversations with him. such are simple ways that shows him/her that "hey! we cant get along/i dont think i really like you!" if you really cannot tolerate his actions,
tell him nicely lar! but when its difficult to let him know his bad points, then you've got no choice but to
keep quiet and accept his behaviour.however, i feel that those people who suan and criticise person X often do it for the
sake of fun. it probably started out because they were annoyed, but they also take a
peverse joy and satisfaction in seeing his reaction, and just in making him feel miserable. just because "i dont like you".
i think, how a man (i.e mankind haha)
treat the people around him can tell alot about his character and his heart. if he treats some like a piece of shit, and others very nicely, he most certainly will treat his future spouse badly too. if he treats some like cockroaches, and others like gold, he most certainly will not give a damn to the poor and handicapped.
to me, verbal bullying is
more powerful in causing hurt than physical bullying because emotional and psychological scars are
more difficult to heal than the superficial ones. i just hope that person X will not be so affected by the verbal attacks of these selfish people.
NEXT! my
greatest eyesore is those ahbeng and ahlian teenagers. here's roughly how all of us stereotype them!
the teenager bengs: -very thin
-or very fat
-the fringe abit long and they like to give a sudden upward movement of their head to flick the fringe up
-blonde hair
-loves skinny jeans especially red colour. fat ones also love skinny jeans

-have earing on one of the ears
-like to swing their hands
-like to swing their hand when they talk too. example, ah beng: "wah lao, ah huat stare at me just now! KB!" *with fingers outspread, arm does an upward movement (like want to do karate chop like that) while talking*
-every sentence you'll probably hear the word fuck, cb,, ccb, lj, knn, kb, kbkb.
-converse in chinese
-love to stare

-girlfriends are usually ahlians.teenager ahlians:-very thin
-blonde hair (abit like my hair colour last year, although the colour WASNT THAT COLOUR WHEN FIRST DYED)
-super thin, layered hair
-loves skinny jeans especially red colour
-love very short shorts too
-love to carry those small small handbags
-smear on super thick make up. SUPER THICK.

-have multiple earrings on their ears (LIKE ME! ALTHOUGH OF COURSE, i'm no ahlian!)
-like to swing their hand when they talk. example, ah lian: "wah lao, ah hua stare at me just now! KB!" *with fingers outspread, arm does an upward movement (like want to do karate chop like that) while talking*
-every sentence you'll probably hear the word fuck, cb,, ccb, lj, knn, kb, kbkb.
-converse in chinese
-love to stare

-boyfriends are usually ahbengsso basically, these are the stereotypes that i can think of. and whenever a person
fits at least 3 of the descriptions above and i see them walking down the street, the first thought that will flash across my mind is "cao(4) ahlian/beng!". actually, we can even tell if a person is a beng/lian when they're in school uniform. it just seems like they have the word "ah beng" or "ah lian"
stamped right smacked on the front of their face.
in fact, for my first 3 mth jae intake in jjc, my
dyed hair and multiple earrings caused such a misunderstanding! apparently, some of my friends like szeying and lengshan, thought that i was an ahlian!!!! fortunately, i'm actually a very good girl!
RIGHT?! :D hahaha.
somehow, i
cannot stand the way these beng and lian talk. whenever i hear their conversations, it always seem as though they're
talking big. like they like to say "COME LAR! SCARED ARH!" haha. and they also
like to disturb people, total strangers on the street. like today for example, got a group of ahbeng boys in school uniform standing at jj's guardhouse there. probably going in to play their life away on the computer, since jj has something like a lan shop in the canteen. so anyway, was chatting with jingwen, chai and lixuan about an embarassing incident. so i went "so paiseh!" as we walked passed the group of them. then after that, some of them started saying very loudly "wah! where got paiseh!" "so paiseh!"
crazy kids. so i turned around and stare at them.
they not only like to action when talking, but they're
actions also like to action. hahaha. for example, soccerettes last chalet, we unfortunately, were neighbours with a group of bengs and lians. first, we receieved comments about us being bungs from them. secondly, they drank so much, the whole chalet is smelled strongly of alcohol. and glasses of beer were seen laying around on the ground! so anyway, coasta sand pasir ris has this high elements course near the bicycle rental shop. so one night after catching the euros match at mac and walking back to our chalet, this one ahbeng climbed onto the high element thingy and hang on the ladder upside down, showing off to his friends. the way he did it, he think he's some big shot. but the thing is, he couldnt have jumped and reached the ladder. however, there was a car parked below it. so obviously, he climed onto the car to get onto the ladder! i swaer there was shoe prints on the car!
somehow, a part of me will discriminate these bengs/lians. my friends always ask why am i against my own race haha. because there's also the mats and minahs (malays bengs/lians). actually i also dont know why! maybe because to me, i always feel malays are very loyal and speaks strongly of kinhood and friendship. so, these mats and minahs, no matter how mat or minah are they (haha), they will always respect their family and elders. or maybe, its just merely because
i have this thing for malay guys hahahaha. i think mats are
stylo lor! even though they love wearing skinnys too! hahaha.
so anyway, sometimes i get
so pissed off with these ahbengs/lians, and i always think what the hell are they doing in our society. they're really like a
burden to singapore. they're deliquent ways have only
negative impacts on our society for example, higher crime rates, more teenage pregnancy, school dropouts probably even without an O level cert and cant speak proper english which would probably lead to leakages in the economic workforce in the future, congregating at hdb void decks therefore intimidating people and posing as nusiances, bad examples to their children when they get married and have kids etc. sometimes, when i get really pissed off, i'll think that they are the scum of the society, useless and should be eradicated. they're good for nothing because they are perfectly normal teenagers, who are capable of doing something productive, but chose to become a liability instead.
however, to say that they're a scum and condemn them to quickly is
really very judgemental. i've know of people who
changed from bengs to someone else much better. i think, the bottomline is, people can change and
turn over a new leaf. and probably, these bengs/lians are just going through a very
hormonal phase in their teenagehood, therefore behaving like- bengs and lians! haha. but people usually change for the better when the grow older, although maturity does not neccesseraily comes with age. but thats another point. haha. the thing is, i'm
always hopeful that these group of teenagers will one day find something
productive to do with their life, and not just hanging around in groups and thought that they are really happy. because i believe, one can never really attain true happiness when wasting their short life on earth away.
God bless them!phew!
finally i'm done :D i could very well write a gp essay now lar haha. in fact, there's another group of people which i cannot stand, and that is those
toots who love to criticise our singapore government. but i'll blog about that another time, when i've got the time and feel like it! haha. but anyway, i'm a
super patriotic singapore citizen who thinks that living in singapore is a
true blessing. hahaha! so i really get very F up when people complain about my government and my country.
OHHK! ADIOS! time for mugging again :DLabels: opinions