Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The mainstream life;

I live my life on the mainstream. For example, I've just completed a 1,500 word essay at 3:22am and I've overshot the word limit by a few hundred words, and I'm too lazy to cut it down. I live my life almost like every mugger students in Singapore, all mugging hard for a degree because this society requires one, and because our parents say so.

I dont smoke, I dont do drugs, I dont gamble, I dont have casual sex, I dont dO lesbians, I dont dye my hair red and blue and pink, I dont wear boots and leopard print skirt, I dont cut weird bangs or shave my head, I dont wear big black round vintage spectacles, I dont put dark and thick eyeliners around my eyes, I dont party and party and party, I dont have a tattoo on my neck, I dont have piercings on my brows and lips, I dont carry a helmet or ride a motorbike, I dont carry a dslr around my neck and take artistic photos of this and that, I dont camp at the Esplanade underpass with stunt bikes or with a group of hip hop dancers, I dont do graffiti art, I dont study in Laselle or Nafa or Sota, I dont and cant declare loudly like how people who do what I dont can, "F the mainstream!"

Sorry for the use of the F word, I just needed it to put my thoughts across. Sometimes, I just find the life I'm leading a bit too ordinary. When I see young people who do not walk the mainstream life, somehow, I'm filled with awe and respect of them. The live a life doing what they want to do, and not what society expects of them. The bold statements they make with their attitude, appearance, way of thinking and lifestyle makes me hold my breath. They are creative, zest filled people, with a spirit of rebellion in them.

Okay, I may be generalising here, but thats what I always think of young people who dare to defy the mainstream and society norms. I cant judge if what they do is wrong or right, but you must give them the credit for not conforming to what society expects.

I, for one, am not cut out to walk, what I would call, the Other stream road. For example, I am always intrigued and have a special interest for body art and modification. If I could, my body would have been tattooed and pierced in many places already. Haha. But I know if I do so, I wouldnt have a roof over my head this very moment. And I dont have the guts to do it anyway. I will think about my future, about the consequences of having my body modified, until its too old for me to put it into action. Same goes if I want to give myself a haircut or a dye. I feel people who walk the Other stream dont think too much. They like it, they have it done. Regrets? Save it for later. Life's short anyway. Haha.

As much as I would like to F the mainstream, I'm not born in an environment for one. Neither do I have many friends who walk the Other stream. I guess life in the mainstream is always safer and clearer. But if I could choose to be in the Other stream, I want to be gifted with the ability to draw. And with that gift, I will be a quirky artist who will travel the world and draw the faces of different people I see :D

But whether mainstream or not, I've come to the conclusion that we all should just live a happy and fulfilling life in our own definition, and also a life where we do our best to help people around us.


Theresa 3rd March "10 4:01am