sis brought her boyfriend home to study the whole day today. its like, they are so obviously together, and my mommy still continues to deny so vehemently that they are just GOOD FRIENDS. parents are like from another planet some times.
anyway, my maid asked me with much cheekiness if i was jealous. haha. the honest answer is no, but i am envious :( i miss the feeling of being in a relationship, but ironically, i couldnt exactly remember how does it feel like. lol.
Let's start over.
I'll try to do it right this time around.
It's not over.
’Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
It's not over.
i lied to my mom yesterday that i was going to school for extra econs lessons and would be studying after that. the truth is, i went for soccer training. i felt so damn guilty but that was the only way! she keeps scolding me for coming home so late after every soccer training, and consistenly bugs me with the question of why and when my training have not cease yet. i'm sure she would blow her top if i told her i went for training. whats more, training yesterday started at 230pm and ended like around 7. sometimes, white lies are inevitable. though of course, it does not exacly means its the right thing to do. but still.
and i think coach was shooting me indirectly during training yesterday when he scolded us all. yeahh, he should be because before that, he told me that i should perform as well during trainings as i do during matches, if not, there would not be any use. furthermore, as the captain of the team, i should set the standard, if not, the team would not follow. excuses not accepted. i got to really push myself.
"Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for." --Marian Wright
right now, i feel like tearing. fall out with a good friend over inter-cca issues, but we made up tonight. last week, i was hurt and very angry over the whole thing as i could not see why cca might be more important than our friendship. but we cleared it up tonight, and i'm glad we did. things like this can be really frightening.
econs lecture test tml, topic on inflation. inflation is so everywhere. price inflation on rice, on electricity yadah yadah. hopefully, my econs marks will also inflate. haha. studied for it and i must do well. thus, to reward myself for being able to sit down and study (which is a rare case), i shall indulge myself in the liverpool vs everton match later at 1055! i had already got over the defeat against man u. shall prepare myself to celebrate liverpool's victory later! :)

anyway, my maid asked me with much cheekiness if i was jealous. haha. the honest answer is no, but i am envious :( i miss the feeling of being in a relationship, but ironically, i couldnt exactly remember how does it feel like. lol.
Let's start over.
I'll try to do it right this time around.
It's not over.
’Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
It's not over.
i lied to my mom yesterday that i was going to school for extra econs lessons and would be studying after that. the truth is, i went for soccer training. i felt so damn guilty but that was the only way! she keeps scolding me for coming home so late after every soccer training, and consistenly bugs me with the question of why and when my training have not cease yet. i'm sure she would blow her top if i told her i went for training. whats more, training yesterday started at 230pm and ended like around 7. sometimes, white lies are inevitable. though of course, it does not exacly means its the right thing to do. but still.
and i think coach was shooting me indirectly during training yesterday when he scolded us all. yeahh, he should be because before that, he told me that i should perform as well during trainings as i do during matches, if not, there would not be any use. furthermore, as the captain of the team, i should set the standard, if not, the team would not follow. excuses not accepted. i got to really push myself.
right now, i feel like tearing. fall out with a good friend over inter-cca issues, but we made up tonight. last week, i was hurt and very angry over the whole thing as i could not see why cca might be more important than our friendship. but we cleared it up tonight, and i'm glad we did. things like this can be really frightening.
econs lecture test tml, topic on inflation. inflation is so everywhere. price inflation on rice, on electricity yadah yadah. hopefully, my econs marks will also inflate. haha. studied for it and i must do well. thus, to reward myself for being able to sit down and study (which is a rare case), i shall indulge myself in the liverpool vs everton match later at 1055! i had already got over the defeat against man u. shall prepare myself to celebrate liverpool's victory later! :)