Friday, March 7, 2008

haha. got encouraged by another friend to delete one of my entry. jalaine told me to delete my previous entry because it may make things worse. well, she might be right because words used were rather harsh. at that point of time, i was really angry so blogging about it was a way to release my frustration and say what i really feel about the whole thing. now, when i'm calmer and not very upset anymore, i'm able to think with more rational, and yes, jalaine is right. i should delete my post. haha. but instead of deleting the whole entry this time, i modified it :)

today is indeed an eventful day in school.

1) after a certain period of "coldness", talked to you quite alot again today. dont know why but i really feel happy. thanks for the bball and soccer company this afternoon :)

2) played bball during their lit lecture as usual again. but this time, played with a group of j1 guys, and it so happened that one of them was like a fish head. because we played 4 on 4, with linda, bestia, yingquan and i against 4 of them, he kept making sarcastic remarks to his mates about us being girls (except for yingquan of course lar). like for example, when one of us girls scored, he would scold his friend and comment like "give girl score, shuang liao lar!". wah, i hear already feel like bashing his LJ face up. we won them in the end (RROOOAAARRR!) and it feels so good :) but after the game, linda was cursing away because she also cannot tahan his chauvinistic manner. haha.

please guys! underestimating a female's ability and capability is the biggest mistake you can ever commit :)

3) jingwen got roger to give me a baby hammie! like ohh my, because its the cutest, furriest, little thing on earth. we named it lorry, after jingwen's soccer nickname, and decided to treat it as our soccer pet. and i get to keep it! weeee! lorry got so many of us puppy talking and squealing, its really a wonder how small things usually have such power on big people. haha. right now, she's settling comfortably in her new home and seeing her sleep can make me go mad because she's really C-U-T-E!

4) today is the release of A levels results. elaine and i observed with alarming reality that none of the top scorers are sportsman! i hope chailing would break this trend (if its a trend in the first place). but come to think of it, we sportsman put alot of effort into our field of sports, and would definitely have lesser time for studies. to compensate time loss, many will study late into the night, and it sort of become a vicious cycle. however, whats this little price to pay if we can bring victory to our cca and score good grades for our As?

so anyway, 2007's geog results were bad in my opinion, with only 54% getting grade A-C. i panicked upon seeing this statistic flashed upon the screen because i'm a geog student and all geog students know how content heavy and tough this subject is! i seriously cannot afford to do so badly for even one subject for As! this is because it is a lamentable truth for all arts students that we are having a very difficult time getting into uni because those SCIENCE students keep fighting places in the arts faculty with us. how nice! :) but somehow or rather, it motivates me to study more diligently!

got back my chinese As results and *drum rolls* i got B with merit for oral! i'm very happy because As are not very common even though lixuan's and brenda's classes got almost full As. but they are CLL classes! but still, i do admire them because they are the truly qualified bilingual, who can speak both chinese and english very fluently. haha.

after getting the results, went up the hall to soak myself in the atmosphere. not much actually because its the usual- much talking, much laughing and a handful disappointed j3s crying. wa combing every inch of the hall for n and c but couldnt find them. was disappointed initally but finally saw n in the canteen. my jaw dropped lar. she's so H-O-T! really, my idol haha :) but still, c wasnt in sight.

5) soccerettes helped out for finals of issac. entertaining game, especially so for the females ofs vs gess because there was penalty shoot out to determine the final winner. stress sia. even as a spectator, i feel the butterflies. gess win even though they have like 11 years old players because they were solid. plus gess's goalie was superb. like superwoman because she can really fly! yiting was "waohed away" by her.

guys final- mjc vs uwc was a rather unexpected one, because we were all counting on uwc to win, especially when they took the lead 1-0 in the first half. but into the 2nd half, they lost it. final score 3-2! another lesson learnt though- angmohs are not always superior to us :) but still, number 8, the steven gerrard look alike, blew me away!

soccerettes, as usual, couldnt decide on the colour and design of our new jerseys. i so wanted pink but the rest strongly objected! however, the other designs and colours were not very nice either! such a headache when it comes to this kind of thing!

6) last but not least, the highlight of today! some of us soccerettes played soccer on the D-court with the boys "soccer clique". we played until 8 plus and it got pretty dark, we couldnt much make out the shape of the ball. it was fun and challenging at the same time, because the guys were fast and more skilful than us. but heyy! we won them 5-3 *punches the air* brenda, who camoufalges herself so well, scored our very first goal against the guys. i scored the 2nd goal, then chai scored the 3rd. 4th goal i headed in and scored, and chris's final nice shot into the goal ended the game. we were all estatic lar! but of course, the guys may have played more relax with us. nevertheless, i feel playing with guys can improve our soccer alot :) so happy!

7) saw c later at the bus stop and quickly walked away with lixuan and chai. i dont know why i so paiseh to see c :( but still, i hope i managed to win the bet i made with c last year so i can receive the hug and tshirt!

so i shall have a good rest after such a tiring and exciting day! shall rejuvenate myself for tml's training, grandma's birthday party, and campfire back at bbss!

lazy to bold my words today so shall colour it! haha :)



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