so its the new year yet again. for this perfectly
busy and ardous year for me, i'm going to:
#1 scimp and save on my allowances so that my bank account will look somewhat nicer
#2 study by my pool side/in school everyday because i cant risk failing my As. no procrastination girl =)and study smart!
#3 train myself even more so physically and skills wise, to prepare myself for soccer tournament and to win it together with my team!
#4 DIET DIET DIET#5 meet up with my dear old friends as much as possible over dinner or something, which means i have to balance my time for studies, soccer and social life very well.
#6 FIND NEW LOVE! hahahaha.
number 6 is just an option to make me feel better. haha.
rikun's birthday yesterday at mambo billards. his actual birthday actually falls on today (new year baby!) but he's got this really
sweet and loving girlfriend who planned a surprise birthday party for him yesterday before we all rushed down to countdown.
it was so
hilarious at first because we saw rikun and his girlfriend approaching the pool venue and we had to
run for cover! we certainly hope that he did not spot us and he sure didnt, with credits to marcus's
sharp eyes. spotted daryl lai with jiahui and cc and i
screamed his name AGAIN, causing him to fall down in shock. so
sorry about that pal but i just cant
contain my excitement in seeing you! and he warned me never to do that anymore but i
cant promise it! haha. then jill came along, looking taller than ever and we all started
reminicising about 4e1 class chalet, throwing insults at the narutards once in awhile. haha.
and we waited for this
llllllllllooooooooong for the cake to arrive and still it didnt! expected arrival time: 8pm. we waited til 9.15, got impatient then decided eventually to surprise rikun with just ourselves. bad service can!
we ran into mambo, shouted and slapped him on the back as he was playing pool with his pjc friends. of course he was
surprised lar! awhile later, the cake, the
ICE CREAM CAKE finally arrived. i realised ice cream cakes posed
two major probs: #1 you need a certain amount of strength to poke the candles into the cake because its like frozen hard.
#2 you need a
hammer to actually cut the cake. haha!
finally after the birhtday songs and everything, dear aaron sacrificed his pool time to help us cut the cake, in a very
ungracious manner though, because its impossible to cut it in nice little proportions. the
knife almost broke. but the cake was certainly
heavenly, but no doubt,
full of calories =)we broke into 2 groups of fours after that and
rushed down in a cab to esplanade to catch the countdown and fireworks.
jammed at esplanade area and we hopped off the cab, squeezed throught the crowd to meet the others who were surprisingly, earlier, even though they hailed for a cab at a later time. their cab fare was also cheaper lar. anyway, the whole area, from esplanade to marina was so
packed and crowded with teengagers, families, blangadeshis and lah blah! but the night was pretty cooling so tempers were kept at the minimum haha.
human bashings and squeezing before we finally found the best spot to catch the fireworks-
on a grasspatch. the poor grasses were trampled so badly on! we had about 10 mins of remaining time before the countdown commence and we each took those
spray cans thingy we bought and prepared ourselves to shoot at people when the fireworks explode in the air. those were our
armed artileries! haha.
and then the spotlights shone and high up into the air, the first sight and signs of those
beautiful and exciting fireworks were seen! all around were
cheerings and shouts of jubilant. and we started
spraying at people infront and behind us and we got sprayed alittle too. but some people were what you called,
wet blankets. they turned and glared at us and made those tsk tsk sounds when we sprayed on them. like heyy! new year what! everybody was spraying everybody dont be such a killjoy lar! but still others laughed it off and continued cheering, while i busied myself snapping shots of those beautiful creations high up in the sky.
finally, it was over in about 15 mins but the crowd was still
high with estasy. many though tried to make their way back to the mrt and bus stops, which resulted in more squeezing and pushing and this and that. weizi tried wishing strangers happy new year but people just
ignored him! i laughed at his lameness, and got my
retribution soon after. i thought i saw a friend infront of me so i stretched out and tapped him on his shoulders. he turned and i was like "shiet! wrong person!" hahaha. so
damn embarrased! weizi helped me by saying happy new year to him and i kept on
laughing at myself.sidetracked halfway through as we debated over certain stuff but finally peace at raffles mall and we walked all the way to meridien hotel kopitiam for supper. i ate fried carrot cake which cost me
four absurd bucks! but to be able to rest was good because my
feet were aching so badly, i almost cried out.
lesson learnt: never wear new shoes if there are prospects of long walks. haha. cabbed home with dekkai and weizi while the rest went to marcus's house to sleep. home bound at about 3.30am, had my bath grudgingly, read abit of the newspapers (didnt know they delivered it so early in the morning) then climbed onto my bed and fell into a deep sleep until around 12 noon, waking up feeling alittle disorientated. haha.
what an adventure. haha =)
so for now, i'm dreading school tml. as in
really DREADING. i need some form of motivation to pull me through.