photo grabbed from theresa's blog! thanks love! :)
that was us before JJ Night. a pity we didnt take a snapshot of us AFTER JJ Night. we were like pigs, sweating like crazy and i think we were high on some form of invisible airborne drug. and elaine's lips sure is still sweet despite all the perspiration! hahaha. mass dance was horrendously fun as we danced like monkeys to the music, forgetting all the dance moves after a year. we didnt care if we were making a fool out of ourselves, because everybody was too, and that was how the adrenaline came pumping, with every pore of our being jumping with excitement. i mean, i guess this is even better than drugs. and way more healthier too haha.
so school's started and i can feel the pressure of the approaching As, as this year, its been pushed forward to October! ohh God bless us all! haha. which means all of our major exams will be pushed forward too, and thus soccer season will so unfortunately, clashed with our common tests. i swear i need superhuman strength and memory to pull me through this seemingly impossible year! but there's issac tournament to worry for first. even the thought of it gives me butterflies :/
i wished i had somebody to lean on.
alright! homework time! i've got to study consistently (advice from miss lim haha) then i would not have to fret for my academics! :)
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