Wednesday, January 16, 2008

like its 830pm now and i've just complete a part of my history sbq question, which is already a page and a quarter long. yupp, thats only a part, one source out of the five. i'm really certain that my wrist would break after i sit through 6 hours of history paper during my upcoming prelims and As.

but history is such an interesting subject, that because of it, i've already decided what courses i'm going for in the university- sociology and/or politcal science. attaining a degree for either or both courses would enable me to carry on the course of my life exactly the way i want it to, ceteris paribus. hahaha! hopefully, my future career would be one, whereby i would slog my guts out for it because of the passion i have in it, and not because of mere money alone.

i'm getting the jitters for the upcoming issac league tournament where my team would be playing against mostly strong western soccer girls. first match is on the 26th jan and it seems like my stomach have already disappeared. but no worries turtle! team jj is the best team ever, blessed with the greatest coach on earth and superb players, and most importantly, the bond among all of us. as long as we give in our 101% for all the matches in the league, we can hold our heads up high and say "well done".

but sometimes, certain things in the team reminds me of history, where right or wrong doesnt really have a clear divide and we must be objective in oreder to be better judges. but anyway...

butterflies butterflies butterflies.

postcrossing is my new found part-time hobby, thanks to lengshan. it's really fun and exciting AND interesting to exhange postcards with people from ALL OVER the world. its a great feeling to share something to a person in a foreign land the speciality and uniqueness of singapore. haha. just make me feel even more blessed yet, to be born in this country. i'm proud to be a singaporean alright! i've just sent out two postcards, one to Doha, which is a state in Qatar in middle east. plus another one to germany! hahaha. i cant wait to receive one from who knows where =)try it out at =)

sometimes, to tell someone his/her flaws is like trying to climb mount everest. its possible but yet takes great bravery. and tact. you dont know if you might die halfway as you scale that giant. its the same. you dont know if the friendship between you and him/her would be destroyed. but you want him/her to improve all the same, for the sake of his/her future and social standings. yet at the same time, the idea of pointing out one's flaws is questionable, for if we really love him/her, we should overlook at his/her shortcomings and not expect him/her to change because of us. furthermore, such flaws are inborn in our character, thus it would be a feat for him/her to change in a short time. but yet, are we patient enough to wait, to give him/her more grace so that she can truly transform himself/herself to be the ideal person? i guess not. so it comes down to the choice again, of either this or that =/

hahaha. alright! back to homework now. =)


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