Saturday, June 21, 2008

last week, i spent one of my late afternoon watching one of my most favourite movie and story,

Lord of The Ring: Return of The King.

the very first time i fell in love with LOTR was because of legolas (orlando bloom), who is so darn handsome with his long, silky blonde hair and his mesmerizing eyes when he shoots the arroows in battle. but then slowly, i loved the trilogy even more so because of the action, the brotherhood, the courage, the loyalty, the bravery and the fact that good always triumphs over evil, even though all hope may seem lost at first.

many people, or rather many immature youths, like to poke fun of LOTR, saying that its a gay show and all. gay, because the characters who are mostly of the male gender, hug and speak emotional words to each other. well, maybe its because its rather uncomfortable and unusual for us, singaporeans, to actually see bond between man so strong. i mean, how often do we witness guys hug and hold each other? probably only after scoring a goal in a soccer match.

so i'm totally put off when people say LOTR is gay. because it is not. their words are expressions of brotherly love for each other, words of life because they are fighting a battle of death. they hold onto each other because its an act of pushing each other on in such terrible times. being gay is a whole lot more of other things.

"War is the province of man" one warrior in the movie said to lady eowyn, who wants to go into battle to fight alongside her uncle(King of Roahn). but in the end, she was the one who destroyed a monster which is said to be one which "no man can kill". being a female, i was rather proud of that scene and greatly esteemed as well. haha. there is nothing in this world that women cant do.

however, one thing i found rather unfortunate about the story is the fact that the fellowship and all other warriors cheered on and deemed frodo as the hero, throughout the journey and ultimately in the end. i choose to strongly disagree because the ring would have fallen prey into frodo's hand if not for his faithful friend, sam, who pushed and encouraged him along the whole journey to their destination to destroy the ring, mount doom. sam was not tempted by greed for the ring, and neither did he expect anything in return from frodo. he, in fact, saved frodo's life many times, and yet, frodo made the wrong decision not to trust him. the sidekick, as usual, is often forgotten, even though he might be the one who's the true man of honour. its really the same in our real life. when we do well and achieve something, we tend to forget those around us, who had helped us to attain that level. people will cheer for you, but they will never cheer for those who brought you where you are today. irritating reality.

LOTR though, is still a novel and movie, that never fails to blow me off my seat :)


went to school today to support my juniors for their very 1st soccer match against our "sister school", qss. i was really happy seeing the qss girls again, like valerie for one, because it was really a long time since i've seen them and joke around with them. they didnt seem to grow though, so small and adorable, but lethal on the field. hahaha.

jasmine kept teasing me about coach's assistant, hafiz a.k.a handsome (!!!), because of what coach told us during the chalet. he was the ref for the match anyway. so then i began to like take more notice of him, and to my horror, he reminds me of noi! the shirt he wore, the eyes and his pattern. i see him, i think noi. funny how some people you know reminds you of OTHER people you know.

anyway, the match was pretty fast paced, with definitely lots of crowding and banging into each other. well, i'm sure we were like that in the past. and i'm more sure that my juniors will improve tremendously by next year, considering the many trainings they have compared to us. and also, coach said their match sense is good!

was standing throughout the whole match, and i felt this strong urge to throw myself onto the field to play, even though the weather was like 100000 degree C. i just miss the adrenaline rush on the battlefield. and yiting and chai were just like little coaches, giving instructions off field! haha. i'm sure almost all of us are miss playing soccer alot. so i hope coach would settle the date of our testimonial match asap!

during lunch, we realised that coach said alot of things to either 1) confuse us 2) boost each team's esteem or 3) he's confused himself. hahaha. going to miss coach alot!

and so the hols are drawing to an end! been relaxing myself to the max, and i only studied abit here and there. my vice has become the tv! :( well, even though i spent the hols rejuvenating myself instead of doing what's more right, i can see myself very clearly mugging hard right after school all the way to midnight every day. make it double my O levels days, where i became a nerd before the prelims. haha. starting to panic alittle right now, so these shall be my motivation to study all the way until As are over! somehow, i feel really excited to adpt a constant diliigent attitude towards study. its like a challenge of some sort. hahaha.




lectures, self-study and alittle soccer would be the perfect timetable everyday proceeding to the examinations!

and cheers turtle! you've finally update your blog :D

off to study for history paper! :D

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