My stomach got a lot of gas;
Today, I've realised that I cannot be a social worker!
Because I'm simply not strong enough to set aside my own values and accept a conflicting one, when I feel its wrong and should be change and I have no power to change it.
Social work, as I've learnt today, is so much more complicated than just helping people. Somehow, I think the ethics and all attached to being a social worker is kind of bullshit lar. Too much to elaborate.
BUT its an interesting module because we discuss about conroversial social problems and all that, like abortion and homosexuality and all. I love discussing all these stuff! Can just go on and on and on and on and on.
Sometimes, I wish I'm smart enough and more eloquent and witty, because it would be great to be a lawyer! Haha. Wow...
So anyway, Christina played the guitar for Jody's cellgroup today! She was good! :D I wish I can master a musical instrument. But always give up half way. Sigh.
Increasingly it seems, I really enjoy hanging out with my friends from church. But I do miss my old friends too. Its always so difficult to meet up once we've gone our separate ways. I dont know, friends come and go. People come and go. But I dont want that. I want them to stay. I want to stay too. Sometimes, relationships just dissolve. I dont know how. It just happens, like gradually, overtime. There's no need for fights or conflicts. It just happens, and suddenly one day when you are free enough, you would ask "How did it happen?".
Okay, sometimes I get abit emo for no particular reason. Maybe cause my stomach got alot of gas today ah. So uncomfortable! Must go toilet to fart out the gas. Haha. But it doesnt work leh! Still got a lot of gas.
Anyway, because I want to have a reason to stay online longer, I've decided to upload our timbre photos! My secondary school classmates and I, celebrating dorothy's birthdyay. Omg, I cant believe we were nerdish, toot toot kids once. Everybody did change and we all look better! Haha.

Theresa 30th jan '10 2:11am
Because I'm simply not strong enough to set aside my own values and accept a conflicting one, when I feel its wrong and should be change and I have no power to change it.
Social work, as I've learnt today, is so much more complicated than just helping people. Somehow, I think the ethics and all attached to being a social worker is kind of bullshit lar. Too much to elaborate.
BUT its an interesting module because we discuss about conroversial social problems and all that, like abortion and homosexuality and all. I love discussing all these stuff! Can just go on and on and on and on and on.
Sometimes, I wish I'm smart enough and more eloquent and witty, because it would be great to be a lawyer! Haha. Wow...
So anyway, Christina played the guitar for Jody's cellgroup today! She was good! :D I wish I can master a musical instrument. But always give up half way. Sigh.
Increasingly it seems, I really enjoy hanging out with my friends from church. But I do miss my old friends too. Its always so difficult to meet up once we've gone our separate ways. I dont know, friends come and go. People come and go. But I dont want that. I want them to stay. I want to stay too. Sometimes, relationships just dissolve. I dont know how. It just happens, like gradually, overtime. There's no need for fights or conflicts. It just happens, and suddenly one day when you are free enough, you would ask "How did it happen?".
Okay, sometimes I get abit emo for no particular reason. Maybe cause my stomach got alot of gas today ah. So uncomfortable! Must go toilet to fart out the gas. Haha. But it doesnt work leh! Still got a lot of gas.
Anyway, because I want to have a reason to stay online longer, I've decided to upload our timbre photos! My secondary school classmates and I, celebrating dorothy's birthdyay. Omg, I cant believe we were nerdish, toot toot kids once. Everybody did change and we all look better! Haha.

Theresa 30th jan '10 2:11am
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