My first Tattoo Experience,
I was inked just yesterday, 06062009.
Since 13 years old, I've already wanted a tattoo. And when I flipped onto Miami Ink and then LA Ink (tattoo tv series), I've never wanted a tattoo more.
To me, a tattoo is never a taboo. Its always a piece of art, body art, whether you get it done with a meaning to it or not. Of course, I do not appreciate tattoos which are done any old how, or those that are done in a whim. But tattoos which are done with much thought, and much skills (by the tatto artist), on the body canvas, always look beautiful to me.
Finally, I got it done today, with the support from a couple of friends.
And I love it.

I would definitely get more tattoos in the future. But not just yet.
Tattoos are not only costly (mine's $180) and painful, but they are also a lifetime investment, so it is very important for me and those who intend to get it, to thnk very carefully if they really do want to get ink.
If you really do, then the pain is no longer a major factor because its definitely bearable, and you would grit your teeth to sit through it.
I got mine done in abt an hour. It did not hurt in the starting for me because it felt like epilating. However, as the skin got more raw, it began to hurt alittle bit more. And some parts are rather ticklish too. Soon, I felt a burning sensation. The outline for me, is more pain than the shading. However, there are some parts which are rather, what you call, shiok.
It really helps to talk to your friends and tattoo artisit once in awhile to take your mind of the pain. Chai, Jingwen, Jas, Elaine and Kathy (she was coincidentally there!), came in once in awhile to chat with me.
My tattoo artist is a gentle man, Alecs, who owned the tattoo studio, Alive Tatto Studio, at Clark Quay, The Central. He told Elaine and I, while tattooing me, that he had me tattooing for 9 1/2 years already. And he was introduced to me by Jalaine.
To me, it is very important to get an experience tattoo artist, who does not blindly accept your design, but also give his advice to you on whether it would turn out nice or not on the skin, and what can be done to make the tattoo looks better. I feel that it is important to take your tattoo artist's advice into consideration as well, so that the tattoo can be done in the most beautiful way. Of course, ulitmately, the decision is still yours, but its wise to discuss your design more thoroughly with your tattoo artisit.
And of course, you must make sure that the tattoo studio you go to uses NEW, DISPOSABLE, STERILISED needles, meaning that it is NOT REUSED. To me, this is the UTMOST importance You dont want to get an blood transmitted diseases from another person!
So anyway, I really love my tattoo alot. I think that Alecs had done a GREAT black & grey with it. Pain factor? Prob a 6? Its really BEARABLE, and dont let pain, or rather, the anticipation of pain stop you from getting a tattoo if you really want one, because really, anticipation of pain is overrated. As for the sound of the tattoo machine, well, its actually quite alright. Haha.
So for now, I have to take proper care of my tattoo for the next two weeks at least. Have to apply the aftercare lotion, and wash it with cold water. It would scab and get itchy but I'm not suppose to scratch it. Haha.

Alive Tattoo Studio, at Clark Quay The Central


Choosing the eagle i want for my tattoo, and found the one which I had been looking for.

Having fun embarrassing ourselves in public, while my tattoo artisit draws out the design. Took him abut 45 mins!

Back to the Studio!

Looking at Alecs's portfolio to pass time. Lots of nice designs, and one guy actually tattooed the AC Milan crest on his arm! hardcore fan or what! We thought maybe Xuan could get a Red Devil! Haha.

Me getting more nervous!

Finally! Getting ready to be inked!

Privacy! Haha.

Getting the stencil on!

Alec's tattoo equipments.

Being tattooed!

Outline done!

Shading done!

Masterpiece! Fleshy, me. Haha.
Anyway, LOVE THE EAGLE AND THE VICTORY BANNER. It turned out much better than I expected.

After getting the tattoo, with alittle burning sensation, but feeling good :D
I'm really happy today. Besides getting the tattoo I've always wanted, I also managed to meet Kathy after so long, and we chatted for quite awhile as I was getting inked. Really happy that her relationship with her boyfriend is growing stronger and stronger! They are one of the most loving couples I've ever seen! Haha.
Managed to plan and discuss soccer chalet too! CANNOT WAIT!
And also, Chai, Huying, Jingwen and I went to feast on authentic Korean cuisine at Bukit Timah, while Elaine went home to study (or watch tv huh!), and Jas went for her class gathering. The food was delicious and sumptous, and we ate to our fill! And the price is so reasonable! We only paid $15.40 each! And they have very good service too. Presently, Jingwen and Huiying are very into the Korean culture. Haha.
After the hearty dinner, we walked from Timah to WestMall, before catching a bus home. Slow, night walks are ultimate. Even though we were sticky and rather smelly from the Korean bbq smoke.
I'm more refreshed now. This is the day I had been looking forward too, since the week of chaos, which left me jaded.
BUT, I got 2 big and painful ulcers now! Haha.
Oh well, life has its ups and downs :)
turtle 12:45pm
Since 13 years old, I've already wanted a tattoo. And when I flipped onto Miami Ink and then LA Ink (tattoo tv series), I've never wanted a tattoo more.
To me, a tattoo is never a taboo. Its always a piece of art, body art, whether you get it done with a meaning to it or not. Of course, I do not appreciate tattoos which are done any old how, or those that are done in a whim. But tattoos which are done with much thought, and much skills (by the tatto artist), on the body canvas, always look beautiful to me.
Finally, I got it done today, with the support from a couple of friends.
And I love it.

I would definitely get more tattoos in the future. But not just yet.
Tattoos are not only costly (mine's $180) and painful, but they are also a lifetime investment, so it is very important for me and those who intend to get it, to thnk very carefully if they really do want to get ink.
If you really do, then the pain is no longer a major factor because its definitely bearable, and you would grit your teeth to sit through it.
I got mine done in abt an hour. It did not hurt in the starting for me because it felt like epilating. However, as the skin got more raw, it began to hurt alittle bit more. And some parts are rather ticklish too. Soon, I felt a burning sensation. The outline for me, is more pain than the shading. However, there are some parts which are rather, what you call, shiok.
It really helps to talk to your friends and tattoo artisit once in awhile to take your mind of the pain. Chai, Jingwen, Jas, Elaine and Kathy (she was coincidentally there!), came in once in awhile to chat with me.
My tattoo artist is a gentle man, Alecs, who owned the tattoo studio, Alive Tatto Studio, at Clark Quay, The Central. He told Elaine and I, while tattooing me, that he had me tattooing for 9 1/2 years already. And he was introduced to me by Jalaine.
To me, it is very important to get an experience tattoo artist, who does not blindly accept your design, but also give his advice to you on whether it would turn out nice or not on the skin, and what can be done to make the tattoo looks better. I feel that it is important to take your tattoo artist's advice into consideration as well, so that the tattoo can be done in the most beautiful way. Of course, ulitmately, the decision is still yours, but its wise to discuss your design more thoroughly with your tattoo artisit.
And of course, you must make sure that the tattoo studio you go to uses NEW, DISPOSABLE, STERILISED needles, meaning that it is NOT REUSED. To me, this is the UTMOST importance You dont want to get an blood transmitted diseases from another person!
So anyway, I really love my tattoo alot. I think that Alecs had done a GREAT black & grey with it. Pain factor? Prob a 6? Its really BEARABLE, and dont let pain, or rather, the anticipation of pain stop you from getting a tattoo if you really want one, because really, anticipation of pain is overrated. As for the sound of the tattoo machine, well, its actually quite alright. Haha.
So for now, I have to take proper care of my tattoo for the next two weeks at least. Have to apply the aftercare lotion, and wash it with cold water. It would scab and get itchy but I'm not suppose to scratch it. Haha.

Anyway, LOVE THE EAGLE AND THE VICTORY BANNER. It turned out much better than I expected.

I'm really happy today. Besides getting the tattoo I've always wanted, I also managed to meet Kathy after so long, and we chatted for quite awhile as I was getting inked. Really happy that her relationship with her boyfriend is growing stronger and stronger! They are one of the most loving couples I've ever seen! Haha.
Managed to plan and discuss soccer chalet too! CANNOT WAIT!
And also, Chai, Huying, Jingwen and I went to feast on authentic Korean cuisine at Bukit Timah, while Elaine went home to study (or watch tv huh!), and Jas went for her class gathering. The food was delicious and sumptous, and we ate to our fill! And the price is so reasonable! We only paid $15.40 each! And they have very good service too. Presently, Jingwen and Huiying are very into the Korean culture. Haha.
After the hearty dinner, we walked from Timah to WestMall, before catching a bus home. Slow, night walks are ultimate. Even though we were sticky and rather smelly from the Korean bbq smoke.
I'm more refreshed now. This is the day I had been looking forward too, since the week of chaos, which left me jaded.
BUT, I got 2 big and painful ulcers now! Haha.
Oh well, life has its ups and downs :)
turtle 12:45pm
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