Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daydreaming during Office Hours,

Back to work after 3 days of rest at home! Been suffering from a bad cough and a painful sore throat (Now how's that for a combination!). Guess its due to the spicy Korean stew we ate on Saturday. Well, the sore throat is gone, BUT my cough got abit worse. With lots of phlegm. Eeww.

I really cant wait to stop working for good (NEXT WEEK!). But then, where do I get money to spend then? I'm abit broke now. Money really is not enough. Thus, I was thinking of taking up a really part time job, so as and when I'm free, I can work and study at the same time. At least the meagre sum earn would be enough for me to NOT keep asking my parents for money.

I really need someone to teach and discipline me regarding my finiancial matters!

Anyway, I'm really quite fond of the Jonas Brothers, but you've got to admit, this is quite scary:

I think Joe Jonas made a total fool out of himself in this video! First, the suit and the heels. Then the hair. The the sick facial expression, when he anyhow lipsynch. Haha. I suppose its hilarious, I did laugh. But it freaked me out at the same time! And oh, when he turned around, his back view looked like America's Next Top Model's Cycle 11 winner. Mckey or something. Lucky it was not Nick or Kevin who did this ridiculous stint, if not, i will cry! Hmm, I wonder what Beyonce would say if she sees this? Haha.

Going for my first driving lesson today, straight after work! Cant wait :D I want to get my license quickly. At the meantime, must prepare for my FTT on the 7th July. Hope its as easy at BTT, though I doubt it.

AND and, my tattoo's healing perfectly. Though it can get rather itchy at times. So, I'll scratch it gently, on the outside of my shirt. And its scabbing too, with flakes of inked skin falling off sometimes, like dandruff. Haha. But otherwise, its perfectly fine :D

And I'm looking forward to tomorrow's evening, as I'm joining Chris for the Song of Solomon Conference at Expo. I'm so glad she so willingly asked me along. Its been awhile since I went to church with a friend. Now its always just going for Sunday service with mom, or sometimes aunt. I really want to have a breakthrough in my Christian walk with God. Its very dry, really. I'm tired of being wordly. I'm tired of being a Sunday Christian. I've always remembered what Pastor always said, that Christianity is not a religion, its a relationship. Its becoming more of a religion to me now. I dont want it. The days when I was so on fire for God, attending services, cell group meetings, conferences... I really miss those days. I know that I'm not living the life that God intends for me. The life I'm living now, it lacks something. It lacks something which I know I had it during those days. Something which makes life meaningful, purposeful and exciting. I WANT to find it back. I've always believe in my faith, but its time to act it. I've procrastinated long enough, and there's this inner thing in me that keeps pushing me to seek fellowship, to grow. I've made the decision to act, and the rest I leave it to the Lord.

Zoe = life of God. Hey, that was my batispm name. Yes, I need to find it back.

Anyhow, I really really want to thank my dearest friend, Maria, for always being there and praying for me, regardless of how many times I would run away. From cellgroups, from the committments I'm scared to face. My dear friend, you're part of the reason I never stop believing, in God and in myself. Your walk with God through these years excites me and touches me profoundly. I wish I could be there, sharing them with you. But its okay. My new journey with God will start soon! Thanks Maria, for everything! :D Especially for your prayers. I love you!

I pray for a new seed of faith to be planted in me, and I pray for a whole new relationship with Lord Jesus. Amen.

turtle 1:45pm


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