Epl is officially over, so now, my nights during the weekends would spell BORING! For at least 2 months I think. And I'm rather disappointed with New Castle. Its really a shame that they had to be relegated. After all, they won the title once before. And now, having to play only for the championship league, its rather humiliating in a sense. Poor Owen!
Speaking of Epl break, I STILL HAVENT PURCHASE THE LIVERPOOL TICKETS! I dont know whether its sold out already or not. And Yiting's not going already, so left Chai, Jingwen and I. Supposed to get it on last Friday actually, but did not have the time in the end. So, I better get it soon before I have to kiss the tickets goodbye!
And speaking of last Friday, went to catch a family movie with parents and sis. We settled for Night in The Museum 2 since it was a comedy, and mom only likes comedy. The movie was OKAY only. Quite disappointing because Night in The Museum 1 was like really hilarious. I remembered catching it with my sec school friends and we had to sit seperately because the midnight movie tickets were almost sold out. Couldnt laugh out loud as much as I wanted to. But it was really good. But then, part 2 was abit, I dont know, not as funny I guess. Amy Adams's acting was so cold in the show. Dont think she was funny at all. But I still like Owen Wilson and his other small Roman soldier friend. Haha. I mean, they are like so small, and when the Egyptian Pharoh held Owen Wilson out of the cage, he totally reminded me of my hamster! Haha. And I also like the Einstien. So cute with the bouncy head. Haha. But Ben Stiller's still the best. Although he's not particularly funny this time round, I love his movies and him!
On Saturday, I went to get my braces mould taken and the dentist put seperaters between my teeth at the back. Its kind of causing me alittle ache now when i bite my teeth together. The braces will be put on this coming Friday, and I can't wait! Wonder how nerd will I look with braces on. And I need a wisdom teeth surgery some time after the braces! Haha.
After that went out with Sis, with the thought in mind to go Haiji Lane. But she's so lazy, so we went to Cine to catch Angels and Demons instead. The movie was a blast okay? It was wayyy much better than Da Vinci Code. But Tom Hanks looked older and fatter. Eee, dont really fancy him. The first part was quite boring, when they kept talking about the symbols and church and all that. But after when they started mudering the priests, it got really exciting. I think its as good as the book itself. But of course, if you read the book, you would have more insight to the story as there would be explanation of all those historical and religious stuff. And Ewan Mcgregor is soooo cute! Even if he's a priest. Haha. Sadly, he self-torched in the end. Tragic.
Sis and I are also embarking on a Meteor Garden marathon of F4 and Barbie Hsu. Cause after watching the Korean Meteor Garden, we suddenly had the urge to re-watch the Taiwanese version. The series is just soooooo nice and heart-wrenching. I cried dont know how many times already. Makes me feel depressed. But I still really enjoy the series. I used to think Barbie Hsu was so plain looking, but now, I think she's really pretty. I guess taste changes when you grow.
Going for NUS body checkup on Wednesday morning. What a chore! Should I go brazilian waxing with Theresa after that? I've been looking forward to our waxing session. Haha.
And soccer match this coming Friday again, with juniors! So excited, and that would be straight after I put on my braces. Dont know if I'll be in too much discomfort or not. Ohh well, most importantly, I can get to see the team again, and also, GET BACK MY CHALET MONEY! Haha.
Dad is leaving for Doha on Monday already. I dont want him to leave... :(
And I came across this at work today, which made me laughed :D

And then it made me think of Adam Lambert, and then I got sad again, because really lar, he should win AI. Boo.
Separation brings
You never let me know it
You never let it show because
You loved me and obviously
There's so much more left to say
If you were with me today face to face"
Turtle 8:30pm
time flies.. so fast u are goin to nus.. arts fac ah.. which area are u goin to major in?? definitely not chinese hor.. must choose ur subjects wisely hor.. how r the rest doin?? -- Ms Chew
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