OHHK. here's my very first post after millions of years. FIRST,
in fact, it was over on 13th nov already. haha. but i was just so lazy to blog. ohh and it was so funny caused i received a msg from crystal on 14th nov, to wish me good luck for my papers hahaha.
alright. so how's my papers? they were alright. EXCEPT for maths h1, which i'm sure i had flung it. for one, i did not really put much effort into this complicated, mind boggling, alien subject. but also, it was difficult, an unanimous agreement among my classmates!
it feels really good to end the As before everybody could. but i didnt feel so elated or very excited after i put the full stop on the last sentence of my history paper. in fact, when i went home to slack away, i feel like there's something missing. and i realised i've forgotten how to relax! haha.
so, immediately after our last history paper, kathy and i made some impromptu plans. we zoomed straight to a home salon which she introed to me, to get my hair dyed! very cheap, only 30 bucks and i'm happy with the results. this time round, i chose a darker shade of colour. erms, orange red? copper red? i dont know, but it is not my last time ah lian colour already. haha.
then we left for jp after that and had our dinner at billy bombers, which according to szeying, is overrated. and i agreed. we shared this huge set meal together plus cheese fries and strawberry milkshake! the meal was passable, nothing very special. the cheesefries was alright, nicer than kfc's! BUT the milkshake was milky and yummy and, like when you drink it, your face was convulsed and go "mmmmm...." haha. we had a great time eating and chatting and laughing. the beginnings of relaxation mode.

and kathy and i are going for this promotion package of manicure, pedicure and brazilian waxing for just 60 bucks this wed. really good price :)
ohh yeahh, billy bomber's service sucks.
so the next day, went back to school for soccer training! that really made me excited :) but before that, met jalaine and we exchanged VERY belated birthday presents. and guess what!
i was like ohh my, cause i intended to get that to hang across my wall and she got it for me! i'm in love with it! after lunching and catching up with her, i went back to school, but was too early already. rotted around and then met up with the chem people, and all noticed my hair colour except theresa! haha. but anyway, looks like many of them are getting their hair dyed as well :) i rememebered jas asking me if she should dye blue, or highlight blonde. PLEASE, dont ever dye blue. it would not turn out well haha.
when the chem people went up for their paper, i ran for 35 mins before the bloody sky turned black and the lightning alert and the security guard chased those on the field in. it was really rejuvenating to have a good run after thousands of years. i felt refreshed immediately, and much more healthier :) i'm quite envious of those who ran the nike 10km and of szeying and weijian cause they are runnning the standard chartered marathon this year! i will set that as my goal next year, to complete 42km. anyway, szeying told me weijian got abrasion from running 42km at some sensitive places haha.
once again, soccer trainings are always thwarted by the late afternoon thunderstorms. so all of us had to train on the grandstand, which were mostly footwork. caught up with coach and some of the juniors, and somehow, i felt very happy to be around them. coach going thailand this whole week so no trainings to look forward to :(
after chem, yiting huiying chai and chris joined the training. chris is like super beautiful right now, especially with her longer hair. if i were a boy, i would go for her. haha. we helped the j1s abit, and also trained abit, and sneaked out to the field to kick around despite the on-going lightning alert. later, mr ng chased us in :(
afterwhich, i rushed home for my "Shi Shiong Di", Ten Brothers, channel 8 drama series, so i didnt stay back to kick around with the rest. i love the show alot because its funny but at the same time very heart warming. and i like the brother with the super LONG LEGS! very cute haha. but most people, like my sis and kathy, prefer the eldest bro, who has qian li yan, cause he is good looking and chivalrous and all that. he looks like another hong kong actor anyway.
hmms, if i were to have one of their power, i think i want the 10th brother's. weizi told me his tears have healing power! imagine what it could do to cure aids and all the terrible epidemics so common this days. its just like phoenix tears, Fawkes who saved Harry Potter from Voldemort in the second book, from the terrible venom of the basilik. aahhh i love the Harry Potter series alot!
speaking of Harry Potter, theresa, huiying and i went for the popular bookfair on saturday afternoon, at suntec! it was super crowded, the whole suntec was. plus of course, the fair itself. had a tough time finding the books i wanted to get, the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer and some Charles Dickens classics.

so, i was abit disappointed with the bookfair, and i think i would never go to a bookfair again. it was too crowded for my liking, and i prefer to browse through books in peace. like in borders or kino. and without so much noise coming from the stage performances. except for the 20% dicount, there was nothing interesting about it. but i must say, the cashiers were really efficient, given the really long queue. i didnt have to wait for as long as i though i had to, to pay for my books.
SO WHAT DID I GET? i got two out of five of my Twilight series, Twilight and New Moon, and two Charles Dickens classics, A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist. All for $47, which is reasonable eh! theresa got some classics too, and huiying got her deathly hallows. i think we were all very happy with our purchases in the end :)

afterwhich, theresa went shopping at marina, huiying went home, and i went to meet szeying, seok peng and weijian at plaza sing to get my adidas sports shoes since szeying got 30% discount! managed to get a pair which i really liked at the Cathy adidas but i've yet to go running ith it!
later for dinner, we ate at some jap restaurant, and szeying and weijian told us about their experience of meeting a crazy old lady on their way. it was damn hilarious cause the old lady kept scolding both of them! she pointed and scolded szeying "kopi-o!" HAHAHA. i guess cause szeying too tan already huh. and then what, she scolded weijian something like "after pregnant" dont know what shit haha. i think she thought they both couple and weijian would make szeying pregnant! haha. so funny! i would immediately run away if a crazy person comes across my path because its really scary.
i experienced it once 2 years back when i went night cycling with my secondary school friends. i saw this crazy, really scary looking man. and i mean really scary, the way he walked and looked. i was like shit, and then he came and talked to my friend khine in some language we dont understand! she freaked out, and cried! haha. after that, he turned and talked to me and made those funny noises. i didnt know what to do so i just shaked my head, shrugged my shoulders and said "i dont know". man, i was shivering inside and all those nice guy friends did not bother to help at all. thank God he walked away and we quickly cycled away as well. haha.
so anyway, after dinner, we walked from cathy to orchard while seok peng went home. then we got this crazy idea to enter the sex shops, but hell, those under 21 not allowed! PLEASE, i remembered it was under 18! so, there goes our fun. weijian said he went in before, at a shop in geylang, haha. i wonder he go geylang for what, and if he got purchase any kinky stuff from there. hahaha.
so we walked and talked and enjoyed the christmas decorations. i cant wait for christmas and i really want to throw a christmas party for the soccerettes! but man are going overseas for hols during that period. so, by the time i reached home, i missed the first half of liverpool vs bolton match.
yiting updated me on it, and the 2nd half was exciting lar. needless to say, liverpool won bolton 2-0. a header from kuyt 1st half, and then header from gerrard during 2nd half. we could have scored many more goals as gerrard torres and keane missed out quite a few. lalalala so happy i called my dad, whose in thailand playing golf, and updated him on the results.
i really desire for them to win the title this season, but i do have my doubts. because chelsea is real strong and see, even though we've got the same number of points, chelsea's goal difference is superior! i think as of today, liverpool and chelsea topped the table with 32 points. but chelsea's number of goals is 32, where liverpool's only 21. not safe at all... ah well, i must have faith in them, as what yiting always said!
so, guess what! i read finished Twilight and New Moon already! yupp spent my weekends reading them! you know, the books werent as great as i expected, given them being such a big hit in america and all over the world. cant be compared to Harry Potter eh haha. but still, they are good books. i think its because of the way she described edward cullen, the vampire protagonist in the story. she made the vampires seemed like the most beautiful creatures on earth, and i guess they are. i've always liked vampires since young because they were flawless. the way she described their beauty and might could really take your breath away, and your heart would certainly be thumping against your chest. plus there's the sexual build up between edward and bella. woah, imagine making love with a vampire when he is so strong.

-dont sleep
-can run very very fast
-are very strong
-can come out under the sunlight (no, they wont die)
-dont sleep in coffins
-are not scared of rossary or garlics
-are considered immortals
-do not die with a cross or stick stabbed into their heart
-could only be killed by their worst enemies, the werewolves
-or by other vampires, by simply tearing them into pieces then burn those pieces to ashes
-are very beautiful and pale
-can be "vegetarian", which means they only hunt animals and not humans. though these vampires are the minority. considered to be civilised. just like the Cullen family.
-some vampires have special gifts, such as Edward Cullen: reading people's thoughts, Alice Cullen: seeing the future and Jasper Cullen: manipulating people's emotions
-transformation froma human to a vampire takes three hellish and antagonising days as the venom slowly spreads through the body.
cool huh. and edward is seriously the most gorgeous vampire around.
in New Moon, she introduced werewolves, or wolf-men, who are the vampires worst enemies. the werewolves are good, they protect the town from vampires, except from the Cullen family as a treaty was establised between the werewolves and the Cullens. Jacob, the werewolve protagonist, man, i'm more in love with him than with edward.

haha. but theresa doesnt like him! the thing is, the female protagonist, bella, is in this very difficult position, the two guys she loved are mortal enemies. edward, her boyfriend, is a vampire. and jacob, her best friend, is a werewolf. cool huh! but both are equally dangerous creatures.

-can transform anytime they want, and not neccessarrily on full moon. according to jacob, that full moon thingy is hollywood's version. haha.
-can heal very quickly
-can run very fast
-can smell vampires
-can read the thoughts of other werewolves
-would rip their clothes apart when they transform, which means, they need to have a great handful of spare clothes around. haha.
-as normal man, they grow very fast and phyiscally big.
somehow, i want a werewolf instead of a vampire! haha.
so, i'm going to get Eclipse and Breaking Dawn today or tml, and bring it to China to read. and i want to catch the Twilight movie as well, even though that cedric diggory guy who starred as edward, is really not as gorgeous as how edward should be. haha.

when you live forever,
what do you live for? :)
whoops! i'm going China, Beijing, on the 20th nov! I CANT WAIT :D
in fact, it was over on 13th nov already. haha. but i was just so lazy to blog. ohh and it was so funny caused i received a msg from crystal on 14th nov, to wish me good luck for my papers hahaha.
alright. so how's my papers? they were alright. EXCEPT for maths h1, which i'm sure i had flung it. for one, i did not really put much effort into this complicated, mind boggling, alien subject. but also, it was difficult, an unanimous agreement among my classmates!
it feels really good to end the As before everybody could. but i didnt feel so elated or very excited after i put the full stop on the last sentence of my history paper. in fact, when i went home to slack away, i feel like there's something missing. and i realised i've forgotten how to relax! haha.
so, immediately after our last history paper, kathy and i made some impromptu plans. we zoomed straight to a home salon which she introed to me, to get my hair dyed! very cheap, only 30 bucks and i'm happy with the results. this time round, i chose a darker shade of colour. erms, orange red? copper red? i dont know, but it is not my last time ah lian colour already. haha.
then we left for jp after that and had our dinner at billy bombers, which according to szeying, is overrated. and i agreed. we shared this huge set meal together plus cheese fries and strawberry milkshake! the meal was passable, nothing very special. the cheesefries was alright, nicer than kfc's! BUT the milkshake was milky and yummy and, like when you drink it, your face was convulsed and go "mmmmm...." haha. we had a great time eating and chatting and laughing. the beginnings of relaxation mode.
and kathy and i are going for this promotion package of manicure, pedicure and brazilian waxing for just 60 bucks this wed. really good price :)
ohh yeahh, billy bomber's service sucks.
so the next day, went back to school for soccer training! that really made me excited :) but before that, met jalaine and we exchanged VERY belated birthday presents. and guess what!
i was like ohh my, cause i intended to get that to hang across my wall and she got it for me! i'm in love with it! after lunching and catching up with her, i went back to school, but was too early already. rotted around and then met up with the chem people, and all noticed my hair colour except theresa! haha. but anyway, looks like many of them are getting their hair dyed as well :) i rememebered jas asking me if she should dye blue, or highlight blonde. PLEASE, dont ever dye blue. it would not turn out well haha.
when the chem people went up for their paper, i ran for 35 mins before the bloody sky turned black and the lightning alert and the security guard chased those on the field in. it was really rejuvenating to have a good run after thousands of years. i felt refreshed immediately, and much more healthier :) i'm quite envious of those who ran the nike 10km and of szeying and weijian cause they are runnning the standard chartered marathon this year! i will set that as my goal next year, to complete 42km. anyway, szeying told me weijian got abrasion from running 42km at some sensitive places haha.
once again, soccer trainings are always thwarted by the late afternoon thunderstorms. so all of us had to train on the grandstand, which were mostly footwork. caught up with coach and some of the juniors, and somehow, i felt very happy to be around them. coach going thailand this whole week so no trainings to look forward to :(
after chem, yiting huiying chai and chris joined the training. chris is like super beautiful right now, especially with her longer hair. if i were a boy, i would go for her. haha. we helped the j1s abit, and also trained abit, and sneaked out to the field to kick around despite the on-going lightning alert. later, mr ng chased us in :(
afterwhich, i rushed home for my "Shi Shiong Di", Ten Brothers, channel 8 drama series, so i didnt stay back to kick around with the rest. i love the show alot because its funny but at the same time very heart warming. and i like the brother with the super LONG LEGS! very cute haha. but most people, like my sis and kathy, prefer the eldest bro, who has qian li yan, cause he is good looking and chivalrous and all that. he looks like another hong kong actor anyway.
hmms, if i were to have one of their power, i think i want the 10th brother's. weizi told me his tears have healing power! imagine what it could do to cure aids and all the terrible epidemics so common this days. its just like phoenix tears, Fawkes who saved Harry Potter from Voldemort in the second book, from the terrible venom of the basilik. aahhh i love the Harry Potter series alot!
speaking of Harry Potter, theresa, huiying and i went for the popular bookfair on saturday afternoon, at suntec! it was super crowded, the whole suntec was. plus of course, the fair itself. had a tough time finding the books i wanted to get, the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer and some Charles Dickens classics.

so, i was abit disappointed with the bookfair, and i think i would never go to a bookfair again. it was too crowded for my liking, and i prefer to browse through books in peace. like in borders or kino. and without so much noise coming from the stage performances. except for the 20% dicount, there was nothing interesting about it. but i must say, the cashiers were really efficient, given the really long queue. i didnt have to wait for as long as i though i had to, to pay for my books.
SO WHAT DID I GET? i got two out of five of my Twilight series, Twilight and New Moon, and two Charles Dickens classics, A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist. All for $47, which is reasonable eh! theresa got some classics too, and huiying got her deathly hallows. i think we were all very happy with our purchases in the end :)
afterwhich, theresa went shopping at marina, huiying went home, and i went to meet szeying, seok peng and weijian at plaza sing to get my adidas sports shoes since szeying got 30% discount! managed to get a pair which i really liked at the Cathy adidas but i've yet to go running ith it!
later for dinner, we ate at some jap restaurant, and szeying and weijian told us about their experience of meeting a crazy old lady on their way. it was damn hilarious cause the old lady kept scolding both of them! she pointed and scolded szeying "kopi-o!" HAHAHA. i guess cause szeying too tan already huh. and then what, she scolded weijian something like "after pregnant" dont know what shit haha. i think she thought they both couple and weijian would make szeying pregnant! haha. so funny! i would immediately run away if a crazy person comes across my path because its really scary.
i experienced it once 2 years back when i went night cycling with my secondary school friends. i saw this crazy, really scary looking man. and i mean really scary, the way he walked and looked. i was like shit, and then he came and talked to my friend khine in some language we dont understand! she freaked out, and cried! haha. after that, he turned and talked to me and made those funny noises. i didnt know what to do so i just shaked my head, shrugged my shoulders and said "i dont know". man, i was shivering inside and all those nice guy friends did not bother to help at all. thank God he walked away and we quickly cycled away as well. haha.
so anyway, after dinner, we walked from cathy to orchard while seok peng went home. then we got this crazy idea to enter the sex shops, but hell, those under 21 not allowed! PLEASE, i remembered it was under 18! so, there goes our fun. weijian said he went in before, at a shop in geylang, haha. i wonder he go geylang for what, and if he got purchase any kinky stuff from there. hahaha.
so we walked and talked and enjoyed the christmas decorations. i cant wait for christmas and i really want to throw a christmas party for the soccerettes! but man are going overseas for hols during that period. so, by the time i reached home, i missed the first half of liverpool vs bolton match.
yiting updated me on it, and the 2nd half was exciting lar. needless to say, liverpool won bolton 2-0. a header from kuyt 1st half, and then header from gerrard during 2nd half. we could have scored many more goals as gerrard torres and keane missed out quite a few. lalalala so happy i called my dad, whose in thailand playing golf, and updated him on the results.
i really desire for them to win the title this season, but i do have my doubts. because chelsea is real strong and see, even though we've got the same number of points, chelsea's goal difference is superior! i think as of today, liverpool and chelsea topped the table with 32 points. but chelsea's number of goals is 32, where liverpool's only 21. not safe at all... ah well, i must have faith in them, as what yiting always said!
so, guess what! i read finished Twilight and New Moon already! yupp spent my weekends reading them! you know, the books werent as great as i expected, given them being such a big hit in america and all over the world. cant be compared to Harry Potter eh haha. but still, they are good books. i think its because of the way she described edward cullen, the vampire protagonist in the story. she made the vampires seemed like the most beautiful creatures on earth, and i guess they are. i've always liked vampires since young because they were flawless. the way she described their beauty and might could really take your breath away, and your heart would certainly be thumping against your chest. plus there's the sexual build up between edward and bella. woah, imagine making love with a vampire when he is so strong.

-dont sleep
-can run very very fast
-are very strong
-can come out under the sunlight (no, they wont die)
-dont sleep in coffins
-are not scared of rossary or garlics
-are considered immortals
-do not die with a cross or stick stabbed into their heart
-could only be killed by their worst enemies, the werewolves
-or by other vampires, by simply tearing them into pieces then burn those pieces to ashes
-are very beautiful and pale
-can be "vegetarian", which means they only hunt animals and not humans. though these vampires are the minority. considered to be civilised. just like the Cullen family.
-some vampires have special gifts, such as Edward Cullen: reading people's thoughts, Alice Cullen: seeing the future and Jasper Cullen: manipulating people's emotions
-transformation froma human to a vampire takes three hellish and antagonising days as the venom slowly spreads through the body.
cool huh. and edward is seriously the most gorgeous vampire around.
in New Moon, she introduced werewolves, or wolf-men, who are the vampires worst enemies. the werewolves are good, they protect the town from vampires, except from the Cullen family as a treaty was establised between the werewolves and the Cullens. Jacob, the werewolve protagonist, man, i'm more in love with him than with edward.

haha. but theresa doesnt like him! the thing is, the female protagonist, bella, is in this very difficult position, the two guys she loved are mortal enemies. edward, her boyfriend, is a vampire. and jacob, her best friend, is a werewolf. cool huh! but both are equally dangerous creatures.

-can transform anytime they want, and not neccessarrily on full moon. according to jacob, that full moon thingy is hollywood's version. haha.
-can heal very quickly
-can run very fast
-can smell vampires
-can read the thoughts of other werewolves
-would rip their clothes apart when they transform, which means, they need to have a great handful of spare clothes around. haha.
-as normal man, they grow very fast and phyiscally big.
somehow, i want a werewolf instead of a vampire! haha.
so, i'm going to get Eclipse and Breaking Dawn today or tml, and bring it to China to read. and i want to catch the Twilight movie as well, even though that cedric diggory guy who starred as edward, is really not as gorgeous as how edward should be. haha.

what do you live for? :)
whoops! i'm going China, Beijing, on the 20th nov! I CANT WAIT :D
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