apparently, miss singapore universe 2008 will not be aired on tv, and there goes my only chance to catch my idol in action! and guess when's the finals? TODAY! like PLEASE! cant they make this whole pageant thing more grand for my idol's sake? at least hold it on a weekend so i could go support her (even though i'm not sure if she knew i exists in the first place haha). ohh man! i really wish she win a title at least because i know she's got the substance! she's so hot, so sexy, so beautiful, its quite sad i'm not a guy! haha. i'm so going to visit her blog everyday to make sure i get a first hand account of her experience in the finals, as well as to goggle at her drop dead gorgeous photos!
ALL THE BEST TO N***** for Miss Singapore 2008!
shit. i swear i'm crazy about her. but no, i dont have lesbian tendencies. its a kind of fan and idol thing. haha.
so anyway, i pon school today to study for geog test which was to be taken in the afternoon. blame it on my laziness. totally threw away my weekend and an extra day of holiday just like that. i really need motivation to mug hours straight because there's a whole pile of things to cover and i'm suffocating already! but still, encouragements were rolling in, and friends like this puts me back on the track.
Hey turtle! I believed that A levels are coming and it will be stressful. Maybe you are feeling the pain. Just want to say- take care! Study hard! Jiayou!
Thank you too. Don't allow your stack of papers to scream at you! Read it! Haha.
Thank you sweetheart for always being there. SPAIN AND GERMANY ALL THE WAY! haha.
after last minute cramming, went to school to sit for the test. totally screwed up a 16 marks question asking to discuss about the mitigation of flooding. i totally skipped that section because i was confident they wouldnt ask such content! clearly, i was wrong. after the test, waited at the bus stop for jingwen and the soccerettes for like half hour because they were playing soccer in school. dare not linger around the school compound for fear of getting caught by any teacher who recognises me. haha.
once they came out (finally), they started commenting on my newly trimmed hair, which was really thin lar. haha. and we started discussing about euro 2008! i think its going to be exciting eh. tzer confirm support germany one, and i think germany's great too! but what i want to say is, i feel so happy to see the soccerettes and talk to them. somehow, the fill up my emptiness in a very positive and healthy way. and i'm glad i have them until the day i die haha.
AND brenda yiting jingwen and chris are FOC. they tricked me into thinking that brenda was wearing the same pair of specs, even though i clearly knew that she changed it to make me confuse! first, the blue thick frame, then to her usual pair. for awhile, i thought i was seriously disillusioned, but brenda and yiting's cheeky faces assured me that it was yet another prank. i think getting punked is so normal now, especially when bren is your friend. one day, i vow to let her have a taste of her own medicine *evil, resonating laughter*
cant wait for tml's career fair! i want to do so many things in the future, i really dont know which to choose! i hope tml's event will benefit me greatly, and help me cut down on my scope of interests so i'll be more sure of the route i would undertake :)
choices have consequences, thats what my friends said. hear, hear. my flesh is weak, and i've made many choices, which i lived to regret. there are may things that i wish i could undo, and given a time machine, i would definitely embark on the quest to do so.
couldnt sleep last night as thoughts of a certain choice i made kept haunting me. i think it wouldnt affect me so badly, if i didnt know that a particular person knows about it too. it is because of that person that made me feel so sorry for the action that i've took, and made me feel so ashamed too. i'm not sure what he feels about me now, couldnt really tell from his msg, but i dont think i can face him anymore.
i think i've lost all innocence.
and i wished he was here all along, even right now, because i think only he can probe me back to the right direction.

choices have consequences. i'll remember that.
It’s been the longest winter without you
I didn’t know where to turn to
See somehow I can’t forget you
After all that we’ve been through
Going coming thought I heard a knock
Who’s there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realise that I really didn’t know
If you didn’t notice you mean everything
Quickly I’m learning to love again
Im gon’ be OK
Thought I couldn’t live without you
It’s gonna hurt when it heals too
It’ll all get better in time
And even though I really I deserve to
It’ll all get better in time
I couldn’t turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings
If I’m dreaming don’t wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that’s the path
I believe in
And I know that time will heal it
If you didn’t notice boy you meant everything
Quickly I’m learning to love again
Im gon’ be OK
Since there’s no more you and me
It’s time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I’ll be fine without you
Yes I will
shit. i swear i'm crazy about her. but no, i dont have lesbian tendencies. its a kind of fan and idol thing. haha.
so anyway, i pon school today to study for geog test which was to be taken in the afternoon. blame it on my laziness. totally threw away my weekend and an extra day of holiday just like that. i really need motivation to mug hours straight because there's a whole pile of things to cover and i'm suffocating already! but still, encouragements were rolling in, and friends like this puts me back on the track.
Hey turtle! I believed that A levels are coming and it will be stressful. Maybe you are feeling the pain. Just want to say- take care! Study hard! Jiayou!
Thank you too. Don't allow your stack of papers to scream at you! Read it! Haha.
Thank you sweetheart for always being there. SPAIN AND GERMANY ALL THE WAY! haha.
after last minute cramming, went to school to sit for the test. totally screwed up a 16 marks question asking to discuss about the mitigation of flooding. i totally skipped that section because i was confident they wouldnt ask such content! clearly, i was wrong. after the test, waited at the bus stop for jingwen and the soccerettes for like half hour because they were playing soccer in school. dare not linger around the school compound for fear of getting caught by any teacher who recognises me. haha.
once they came out (finally), they started commenting on my newly trimmed hair, which was really thin lar. haha. and we started discussing about euro 2008! i think its going to be exciting eh. tzer confirm support germany one, and i think germany's great too! but what i want to say is, i feel so happy to see the soccerettes and talk to them. somehow, the fill up my emptiness in a very positive and healthy way. and i'm glad i have them until the day i die haha.
AND brenda yiting jingwen and chris are FOC. they tricked me into thinking that brenda was wearing the same pair of specs, even though i clearly knew that she changed it to make me confuse! first, the blue thick frame, then to her usual pair. for awhile, i thought i was seriously disillusioned, but brenda and yiting's cheeky faces assured me that it was yet another prank. i think getting punked is so normal now, especially when bren is your friend. one day, i vow to let her have a taste of her own medicine *evil, resonating laughter*
cant wait for tml's career fair! i want to do so many things in the future, i really dont know which to choose! i hope tml's event will benefit me greatly, and help me cut down on my scope of interests so i'll be more sure of the route i would undertake :)
choices have consequences, thats what my friends said. hear, hear. my flesh is weak, and i've made many choices, which i lived to regret. there are may things that i wish i could undo, and given a time machine, i would definitely embark on the quest to do so.
couldnt sleep last night as thoughts of a certain choice i made kept haunting me. i think it wouldnt affect me so badly, if i didnt know that a particular person knows about it too. it is because of that person that made me feel so sorry for the action that i've took, and made me feel so ashamed too. i'm not sure what he feels about me now, couldnt really tell from his msg, but i dont think i can face him anymore.
i think i've lost all innocence.
and i wished he was here all along, even right now, because i think only he can probe me back to the right direction.

choices have consequences. i'll remember that.
It’s been the longest winter without you
I didn’t know where to turn to
See somehow I can’t forget you
After all that we’ve been through
Going coming thought I heard a knock
Who’s there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realise that I really didn’t know
If you didn’t notice you mean everything
Quickly I’m learning to love again
Im gon’ be OK
Thought I couldn’t live without you
It’s gonna hurt when it heals too
It’ll all get better in time
And even though I really I deserve to
It’ll all get better in time
I couldn’t turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings
If I’m dreaming don’t wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that’s the path
I believe in
And I know that time will heal it
If you didn’t notice boy you meant everything
Quickly I’m learning to love again
Im gon’ be OK
Since there’s no more you and me
It’s time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I’ll be fine without you
Yes I will
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