sometimes, mega, bombastic kind of gathering or event fails to bring out the kind of sweet, warm and comfortable feeling that such small, intimate gathering could manifest. this teaches me something- not everything have to be exciting, unique, loud, different, noisy, of big masses in order for one to really enjoy himself. throw a small little party or just a simple gathering where a few of us would sit down together in a living room and chat are simple things where one can still enjoy himself tremendously, appreciate and bask in the company of his friends or family :)

all the best to team JJ soccerettes 2008! we're going to unleash our inner most animal this wed, and fight until the last whistle blow! we will conquer the muddy field, intimate our opponents, and strike like lethal weapons! believe in youself and the team, and play to win! :D jia you soccerettes!
most of the times, things are very simple and straighforward. however,the degree of complication starts to increase as certain people, who tend to be more fussy, inflexible whatever you call it, begins to get involve. then things get off track, becomes more confusing, and the other neutral parties would have to find millions of ways to explain the whole course of action taken. argh.
if there were no rules or regulations, people will be free to do anything they want and chaos would break out. thus, it is acceptable that certain rules and regulations are being set so as to prevent the possible consequence of instability and whatnot. yet, “The little things, I can obey. But the big things - how we think, what we value - those you must choose yourself. You can't let anyone - or any society - determine those for you.” indeed, how true. but more often than not, our space to decide and take responsibility of our decisions are constraint, due to the rules and regulations set upon us. YOU CANNOT DO THIS AND THAT BECAUSE... no wonder in our culture here, there arent many outstanding figures that made history.

risk taker. is what i want to be.
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