THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY! haha. wow been pretty busy this week to update but now that friday's night is here, it is the perfect time.
#1 we lost to ofs for last saturday's soccer match with the final score of 1-0. however, to the team, it was victory. we all played really well and we gave every fibre of our being into the game. yiting was a hell of a goalie, the most steady woman! hahaha. and we all did made the angmohs cry in a manner of speaking. we tackled them fiercely and they keep falling over, screaming or groaning.
but i was being mocked at, and at that moment, it affected me to quite an extent. i was marking this angmoh as they received a corner kick. for no sensible reason at all, she pushed me! my body automactically reacted, and i shoved her back. little did i know i would be at the receiving end of an insult. she immediately looked down at me (apparently she was taller) and sneered, "you DWARF, you're not supposed to mark me like that". i was like what the F. dwarf? DWARF?! but in the end, i found this whole incident to be really amusing. in fact, i told my team and we did have a laugh together. so the dwarf thing, and tzer's "because you are stoo-pid (with an angmoh's slang)" thing sort of become our inside joke. hahaha.
#2 theresa and i went all the way to teacher's network at grange road to help out for the issac soccer tournament match on wednesday. and it was really, an embarrassing case of mistaken identity.
basically, we were to look for this mr fong, who was the pitch maanger. however, both of us were like the only souls present at that point of them. then after awhile, this teacher-like person approached us, and naturally, i assumed he was mr fong!
From theresa's blog:
Turtle: are you Mr Fong?
Teacher: No. He'll be arriving in a red car. ( Upon closer look, we both realised there was NYJC on the shirt.
Then after awhile, he told us that he's reaching or something. He sounded like a woman now! and we both freaked. Then we started looking for signs. Signs like bra strap, hairy legs, boobs, veins on the hands etc. Then we saw the bra strapes!!!!!! Turtle was so embarrassed! Sad case man. If I were her and someone comes up to me and ask me if I'm a Mister something, I'll just cry. LOLLOLLOL.
ohh man! but its seriously so not my fault! anybody will mistake her for a guy, i'm sure!
enjoyed theresa's company thoroughly on thursday, from eating wanton noodles all the way to westmall bus stop, and i take joy in teasing her about WJ! hahaha.
to: xiao lee (little pear):
remember the plans about the zoo outings ohhk! and cao mei is NOT GRAPE!
from: xiao xia (little prawn)
#3 today was so funny after school. of course, funny is always associated with the girls. i started the prank on tzerjing's hand. and i drew the marker ink all the way up her hand.
Me (holding marker): this is a man (referring to marker). when you want him to stop walking, just say stop.
Tzer Jing (hand stretched out): ohhk.
Me: this is a normal man (started drawing a straight line vertically up tzer's hand)
Tzer: stop!
(i then stopped and...)
Me: this is a blind man (started drawing a second line the same way)
Tzer: stop!
(i then stopped again...)
Me: this is a DEAF man (started drawing a third line)
Tzer: stop!
(i continued...)
Tzer: stop! stop! STOOOOOOOOOPPP!
the line went a very long way up her hand. haha.
elaine was three times more mean.
elaine (held tzer's finger): (points to tzer's pinky) this is your home. (points to tzer's thumb) this is the firestation. one day your house is on fire. what is the quickest way to get the fire to be extinguished?
tzer: blah blah blah (i forgot what she said already)
elaine: (bends head towards tzer's palm and PUI!)
SHE SPAT ONTO TZER'S PALM! i swear i saw her sticky saliva dripping from her mouth to the palm! the rest of us screamed and ran away, leaving tzer to clean up her mess! haha. she did the same thing to huiying, but this time, she said that it wasnt saliva but phlegm! like eeeewwww (x100000000000000000)!
so, tml's yet another match with another angmoh school, tanglin trust school (TTS) and they are really solid players. they beat ofs 4-1 can! strangely, i'm not feeling the usual nervousness and butterflies but instead, i feel quite prepared and ready. i know my team wii give in our their best, and fight until the very end :)
Hope is never giving up until the final whistle blows
sometimes, we get so caught up with our everyday lives, we forgot our closest kins we loved us so much. we treasure our friends more and offer a whole lot more words of encouragement and words of love to them. why not slow down, and take time once again, to appreciate and encourage the close kins of ours, so that they will know they are remembered :)
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